Pregnant? Make sure you know what you are eating!

Getting pregnant, being pregnant or new motherhood does a lot to you. Your body has to work hard to keep you and your (unborn) child healthy. And that takes energy! It is therefore good to pay extra attention to your diet during your pregnancy. The baby in your tummy uses a lot of your nutrients as building blocks. In this blog you can read which vitamins and minerals are important for you and the fetus.

Folic acid and zinc for the nervous system and DNA

You've probably heard about it: folic acid. The Health Council recommends the use of folic acid when planning to have children and during pregnancy. This very important building block falls under the B vitamins. In some countries it is called vitamin B9, we know it as vitamin B11. Folium is Latin for 'leaf'. Folic acid is found in leafy green vegetables such as spinach, asparagus, broccoli, avocado, beets, nuts and seeds. Folic acid plays an important role in the development of the nervous system of the fetus. Easily absorbable folic acid in bioactive form can be recognized by names such as folate, folate, l-methylfolate. Zinc is mainly important for the DNA of your child. You get it by eating pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, meat, eggs, oatmeal and brown rice.

Calcium for bone building

Calcium is important for building bones and the nervous system of yourself and your baby. When you are pregnant, all the necessary calcium you consume goes primarily to the development of the fetus. Of course you also need calcium, so make sure you get enough. Calcium is found in green leafy vegetables and whole (organic) milk products or dairy products from goat and sheep.

Daily portion of sun (from a jar)

Vitamin D and K contribute to a better absorption of calcium from food. Vitamin D is also important for the proper functioning of the immune system. In addition to your daily 'portion of sun', egg yolks and fish are also good sources of vitamin D. Sun from a jar also works well: if you are pregnant, it is wise to take an extra 10 micrograms of vitamin D per day. A healthy intestinal flora also ensures the production of vitamin K. Eating fermented food can contribute to this.

Vitamin A for the placenta

Vitamin A is important for a properly functioning placenta, a healthy weight of the fetus and to prevent premature birth. Beta-carotene is the well-known precursor to vitamin A, which you will mainly find in orange-colored fruits and vegetables such as carrots, sweet potato, apricots and pumpkin.

Energy = iron!

When you are pregnant, your blood volume increases by up to 50 percent. This dilutes the amount of iron in your blood. Iron is important for your energy level and a fit feeling. Iron is mainly found in meat and pumpkin seeds. Sufficient vitamin C is important to promote iron absorption.

Think of your brain: omega 3 fatty acids

Especially in the last three months of your pregnancy, the omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are of great importance for the proper functioning of the brain and vision of your unborn child. These fatty acids are also important for your heart, eyesight and brain for you as a mother (to be). It is smart to eat fatty fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines or trout twice a week, especially in the last trimester. Do you not eat fish or are you a vegetarian / vegan? Then choose a fish oil supplement with omega 3 fatty acids, krill oil or algae oil.

Better not!

As you undoubtedly know, there are also a number of foods that you should avoid when you are pregnant because of possible harmful substances or contamination with bacteria and parasites. This mainly applies to the following products:
* raw meat or cold cuts made from raw meat
* raw and smoked fish
* raw egg
* raw sprouts
* cheese made from raw milk
* raw milk straight from the farmer
* predatory fish such as swordfish, shark and tuna (also not canned or smoked)
* liver, liver sausage or liver pâté
* some herbal pills (check the label)
* calabash lime (pimba)
(source: Netherlands Nutrition Center )

The supplement for pregnant women!

Golden Naturals Multi Strong Gold Mama is a product of which we are proud: a rich composition of vitamins and minerals especially for women in the pre, during and after pregnancy (breastfeeding) phase. Special and important periods in life in which the health of the (expectant) mother and the (unborn) child deserve optimal attention. This multi supplements possible nutritional deficiencies with specific care for the baby. It contains, among other things, a generous daily dose of iron to maintain a good iron level in the blood. Folic acid (500 mcg), vitamins B2, B6, B12 and vitamin C help with fatigue. To support the immune system, Multi Strong Gold Mama contains a biologically active form of folic acid (folate, Quatrefolic ® ). Beta-carotene, vitamin D3, vitamin K2, calcium, choline and zinc have also been added to this 'mamamulti'. In short: a very complete multi for you and your child, because only the best is good enough!