Maaike Janse

NEW: Vitamin B12 3000 mcg with three natural forms of B12

Golden Naturals adds a new product to the Vitamin B12 series: Vitamin B12 3000 mcg. An accessible and affordable 'in-betweener' composed of three natural forms of vitamin B12: methylcobalamin, adenosylcobalamin and hydroxocobalamin. In addition to the 'maintenance dose' with 1000 mcg and the high dose 6000 mcg, this introduction offers more freedom of choice in B12 products. In this blog we tell you more!

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Smooth through the menopause? It's possible!

The menopause is the beginning of a new phase of life and lasts on average 5 to 10 years. The female body leaves the fertile period behind and makes room for a new hormone balance. For some women, this is a confronting, difficult period. The changing hormones can cause menopausal symptoms, both physically and mentally. The capsules of Golden Naturals Transition Support contain, among other things, sage and black cohosh. These ingredients help with menopausal symptoms. In this blog we tell you more about this product.

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Do you sleep like a baby? Or could your night's rest use some support?

Sleep: we all do it and it is literally of vital importance. Unfortunately, a good night's sleep does not come naturally to everyone. Recognizable? Fortunately, there is help in the form of a natural supplement: Golden Naturals Sleep Support. Read more about it in this blog!

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