What does 'Not suitable for children and pregnancy, but suitable for breastfeeding' mean?

You know the drill: you're in the store, picking up a jar of supplements and reading the label thoroughly, or you're checking online warnings. And then you see it: “NOT SUITABLE FOR THOSE WITH A DESIRE FOR CHILDREN AND DURING PREGNANCY, BUT SUITABLE DURING BREASTFEEDING.” Wait, what exactly does that mean? Should you not take it if you ever want kids? Or is it only for a certain period? Let's decode this confusion together!

A variety of supplements displayed on a wooden table

Desire for children: now or later?

The term "desire for children" can be a bit vague, right? You might be thinking, “I might want children in a few years, so does this apply to me?” But don’t panic, we’re here to clear things up. When the label says the supplement is "not suitable for those with a desire for children," it specifically refers to the period when you are actively trying to conceive. So, if you are currently trying to get pregnant, this supplement might not be the best choice for you.

But don’t worry, if you have future plans to start a family, you don’t have to ban all supplements from your kitchen cabinet immediately. As long as you are not actively trying to conceive, you can safely continue to use these products.

Pregnant woman relaxing at home with a jar of supplements, looking out at a peaceful garden

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

It’s quite clear why certain supplements are not suitable during pregnancy. Many supplements contain herbs or other ingredients that can have diuretic or abortive properties. These substances can pose risks to the pregnancy and the baby’s development. It’s always important to pay close attention to your nutrition during this period and seek advice from your doctor or midwife.

As for breastfeeding? That's a different story. Many supplements are indeed suitable during breastfeeding. They can even help maintain your energy and health while you care for your little one.

A fun twist: Desire for children in the broader sense

Now that we've cleared up the confusion, let’s talk about the desire for children in a broader sense. You might think, "I don't have an active desire for children right now, but I want a family in the future." The good news is that you can keep using this supplement until you decide it’s time to expand your family.

Having a desire for children can also mean preparing your body and mind for a healthy future. That could mean adopting a healthy lifestyle now, optimizing your diet, and ensuring you get enough exercise. Taking supplements can be part of that healthy routine. They can help you feel energetic, support your immune system, and enhance your overall well-being. So, keep investing in your health and enjoy life, knowing you are taking good care of your body for now and later.

Young couple enjoying a healthy walk in the park


The label “NOT SUITABLE FOR THOSE WITH A DESIRE FOR CHILDREN AND DURING PREGNANCY, BUT SUITABLE DURING BREASTFEEDING” may sound confusing, but hopefully, you now have a bit more clarity. As long as you are not actively trying to conceive, you can continue to use these supplements with peace of mind. Stay healthy, stay energetic, and enjoy every moment of your life, now and in the future!